
but actively participate in the construction of the railway

xinhuanet.com Tianjin 20 June report (reporter Zhou Runjian) to commemorate the outbreak of the first World War One hundred years war, a precious historical materials "war in Europe" Chinese documentary 19 officially issued in Tianjin http://www.jugemblog.com city children's palace, the book by the Tianjin Academy of Social Science Publishing house.

China Beiyang Government in 1916 "to work on behalf of the soldier" to declare war on Germany, and recruited sent 14 workers went to Europe to participate in the war of one. Although they do not have to rush to the war front, but actively participate in the http://www.bestsportgame.com/ construction of http://www.quicklinks321.com/ the railway, highway, bridge, behind the trenches and agricultural production and other work, nearly ten thousand Chinese workers for the defense of France and England to die. After the war, most Chinese are returning home.

it is understood, "a war" a book on Chinese war in Europe, France is experiencing the battlefield China Huagong Sun Gan's field notes, detailed account of the conflict, the Chinese war bitter hardships, Eastern and Western culture and the Chinese profound reflection on the future and destiny of the motherland. The manuscript after nearly 100 years, preserved, is a valuable material for http://www.firsttime123.com/ the study of Chinese history, but it is a pity that has not been published.

to make this finish to a hundred years http://www.unitedstatesenglish.com/ ago the book "published", Tianjin city history scholars Qi Dezhi spent 10 years on this field notes were collected, and eventually published. Book is divided into two volumes, a total of more than 8 words.

