local time on May 3rd, Ukraine Odessa people, to the local union building. In memory of the May 2nd clash, union building fire caused 42 deaths.
in new network on 6 May, according to Russia's new network reports, the Ukraine Odessa Cheap hats Soviet website issued 5 acting mayor decisions, announced in May 2nd each year for the May 2, 2014 tragedy victims Memorial day.
2, Ukraine dear Russian protesters and support Ukraine's protesters clashed in Odessa Cheap NFL Jerseys during the conflict, someone set fire to the Odessa union building, dozens of federal supporters died in the fire. According to the Ukraine Ministry Cheap soccer jerseys country of the interior data, 42 people were killed, 214 injured. Cheap Beanies Procuratorate earlier news says 46 people died.
resolution points out: "to commemorate in May 2, 2014 led to a massive death of the victims of the Odessa tragedy, declared May 2nd to be the victims Memorial day."
according to the file, every year on this day, enterprises, institutions, organizations and houses of Odessa on the flag of Ukraine and Odessa flags will fly a flag at Cheap MLB Jerseys half mast, mourning hung black ribbon.
(original title: Ukraine Odessa announced in May 2nd each year for the mourning)