Moscow on 8 May, (reporter Cao Yan) today, the three suspense situation in Ukraine concern: the eastern Donetsk oblast and Luhansk recently held a referendum to decide their own future? Ukraine's presidential election will be held at the end of the month? I will use the army to intervene directly in the situation in Ukraine? These questions relate to the situation in Ukraine towards the future, is also the focus of attention.
a referendum will be held as scheduled suspense:
Wudong Department Donetsk oblast and Luhansk plans to hold a referendum on the future status in May 11th. But Russian President Putin says 7 days, Russia hopes to south-east Ukrainian postponed the referendum. One of the Donets oblast rebel leader only said, they will consider Putin's advice.
analysis personage thinks, Putin and Rutenko made the above statement is based on the assessment of the situation.
since the beginning of 5, the sudden upgrade months of the crisis Cheap football Jerseys in Ukraine. 2, Ukraine police suddenly on the rebels under the control of the slave demyansk offensive. At the same time, Odessa dear Wunan Department of government cheap oakley sunglasses and anti-government people conflict, resulting in a large number of casualties. In this context, if the two states declared their independence in the referendum, then the Wudang bureau to strengthen the military offensive and will increase the possibility of civil war.
Putin said, suggested that the two states postpone the vote, the main is to create the conditions necessary for the southeastern Ukraine rebels and the "Kiev regime" dialogue.
is the advice of Putin brought a turn to the tensions in Ukraine. Study of Russian political director Sergei · Markoff said, Putin's assertion that helps to avoid the Ukraine civil war.
on the other hand, the Russian Foreign Ministry has also repeatedly stressed, Ukraine authorities should stop military action, to negotiate with the eastern area.
how presidential election prospects apprehensively two:
Ukraine authorities plan to hold presidential elections in May 25th, but Russia has asked to postpone the election. If Wudang bureau to hold elections, so dear Russian voters whether or not to participate in the East, Russia to the election results would hold what attitude, there are cheap jerseys usa big questions.
the Russian Foreign Ministry said on many occasions, in February 21st Yanukovich and opposition representatives signed the agreement is still valid, but an important provision of this agreement is for the end of this year's presidential election, rather than in May. Russian presidential spokesman Per Skov said, at present is "military action, revenge Cheap basketball ncaa jerseys attacks and mass murder" background, discussed at the presidential election in cheap wholesale jerseys Ukraine was "ridiculous".
the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, the current situation in Ukraine is not suitable for presidential elections.
Russia did not agree that the Ukraine May 25th presidential election plan, also on the Wudang bureau ">